Categories: bike check

River Waldren Bike Check



River Waldren is one of the newer names we’ve been seeing pop up since the launch of Freed Bikes a while back. They recently got a few fresh colorways in for their frame and got River all dialed in with a fresh setup! We figured that would be a perfect opportunity to get ahold of the guy and take a closer look at what he’s running these days! Let’s take a closer look!

Name: River Waldren

Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Sponsors: Freed Bike Company, Blunted Athletics and C4 Belts

Years riding: Going on five years.


Frame: Freed Bikes FREEDOM frame

Bars: Freed Bikes FREEDOM bars

Fork: Odyssey Races fork

Stem: Kink topload

Headset: FSA Impact

Grips: ODI Longnecks

Cranks: Subrosa Bitchin’

Pedals: Odyssey plastics

Sprocket: Profile Racing

Chain: Standard

Seat: Federal

Seatpost: Shadow

Front wheel: Demolition Zero rim laced to a Profile Totum hub with a Cult gum tire

Rear wheel: Odyssey Hazard Lite laced to a G-Sport hub and a Cult gum tire

Pegs: Animal

Hub guards: G-Sport

Whats the newest part on your bike?
Frame, bars, stem and tires are all new.

Whats the oldest part?
My fork! I’ve had it for 4 years!

What do you go through fastest? Grips and pedals.

Does your setup ever change much?do you ever toss on more pegs or anything? No, I always keep it simple.

If you had to pick a favorite part on your bike what would it be? The frame. I love the dimensions.

How are things going with Freed these days? Anything you’re really stoked on?
They just got me setup with a fresh bike and it’s so smooth.

Any other sponsors you can tell us about?
I was recently added to blunted athletics and c4 belts very thankful.

Over the past few months you had the chance to travel a fair amount? Where have you been lately? Where are you off to next?
Well, we went to barcelona last spring break and that was a trip I will always remember and recently we went to Tuscon to compete in the Recon Tour. That was rad and I just got back from a weekend in Flagstaff, Arizona which was good too.

Where have you been getting most of your riding time in lately?
McDowell skatepark. It’s my home park.

Have you been filming latley? Can we expect a fresh edit soon?
Yes, I’ve been filming with friends for Freed and Blunted. You can be expecting some fresh stuff soon!

What else having you been getting into other than riding?
I also enjoy fishing and being outdoors. Just enjoying life!

Whats the last song you listen to,movie watched,and website visited?
The last song was “Doin Time” by Sublime, The last move was the Hey Arnold movie and website was Youtube.

How else can people keep up with you/do you have twitter instagram or any other social media sites?
Twitter @riverwaldren
Instagram @hippyriv

Any shoutout thanks?
Shout out all my sponsors and everyone who has supported me throughout the years! You guys are awesome.