Check out what went down at this years Road 2 Recovery Jam!

The annual jam to support the Road 2 Recovery athlete fund went down at the Trumbull track in Connecticut the other weekend, and as expected it looks like it was a big success. Check out highlights from the full day of riding and fun that raised $13,000 for the fund. The trails were dialed in, a bunch of racing went down, the airbag kicker setup was out and more to do all day. This is awesome, so don’t pass it up!

The 8th annual benefit jam went off perfectly on July 17th!
This edit is to thank every sponsor, volunteer as well as the Trumbull BMX Track. Because of each one of you we raised almost $13,000 for Road 2 Recovery and had nearly 400 people come through the gate! Please share this edit and thank the generous sponsors and donators for making this a great event that makes a difference. And thank you to all that attended and/or donated to the event! Please watch to the end for the credits!

This edit was created by Austin Lewis purely for your entertain and to thank you for supporting our efforts. Thank you Austin!” – Joe Doherty

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