
Get a look at Ryan Guettler’s new Jet Fuel machine…

Here’s one for the oil slick, jet fuel, rainbow, etc. etc. color lovers. Ryan Guettler took a trip back home to Australia, and while he was there he decided to build up a new bike. He pulled out the camera and put together this video giving you a look at the bike slowly getting built up during a visit at The Village. Get a look at Ryan’s Hyper and Snafu rig by hitting play!

I just arrived in Australia with my lovely wife @kelsguettler
We drove over to BMX international and talked to Bill in sales.

He helped me get a bike sorted and even helped me sort out a few bmx parts for a Jam we have set up at the Village Skate park on Sunday.

I went into the village at 11 am and Chris Courtenay helped me build my 2018 Hyper wizard.

If you would like to ride The Village hit the link below.


Ph. 07 31 721 840” – Ryan Guettler

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