It seems like after I e-mailed Ryan this interview a while back, he had a bunch of interviews pop up.. However, he has been super busy with Subrosa stuff so it gave it sometime between then and now, so I can’t even be upset about how long it took for him to get it back to me.. I am stoked he even wanted to do another interview!
Oh and the crosses, I don’t know if those were suppossed to go with it, but I figured they were since it goes with the Subrosa stuff.
Name: Ryan Woodstock Sher

Location: Typing this in Orlando, Fl, next to the pool, living in Portland, Or.
Sponsors: Subrosa, The Shadow Conspiracy, Kronik Energy Drink, and Goods BMX.
Subrosa has been around for a little over a year now already, how are things going with the company?
Man, it couldn’t be better right now. There’s so much energy and momentum in all aspects of Subrosa. The team kicks so much ass! They’re all real into everything we’re about, and they’re on point with being a part of the design and the development of new goods. Behind the scenes is more of the same. Everyone at Sparky’s Distribution is so dialed.
Do you have any new products that haven’t been released or even mentioned anywhere you can tell us about?
We have quite a few projects going right now. Eli is testing out his new signature frame by crushing all obstacles in his path, and riding it to Amy’s Kitchen. Other than that, the rest have got to stay locked up for now, but I can be a little vague and say, multiple new frames, a couple of new completes, and a few fucking awesome collaborations.
What is it like running a company with such a great team to back it?
† I got pretty lucky with how the team all fell into place. Not only that, as we go on more and more trips together, I’ve found we all really click together too. The best part is that Rich goes on Spring Break as soon as a trip starts, the transformation is quit amazing. We all just have a good time.

When you first started riding, did you ever expect it to go for as long as it has, I read on Subrosa’s site you have been riding for about 21 years?
Actually yes, haha. When I started riding a bike, I knew I wanted to do it forever. I definitely didn’t know it was possible though. Growing up racing, I would see all the pros like, Gary Ellis, Pistol Pete, the Foster Bros, and think that I could just do that when I grew up, but by the time I was old enough to turn Pro, I was starting to ride trails, and get real burnt out on racing. I did, race one national as A Pro, I was on the gate in between Todd Lyons, and Harry Leary, I made it to the semis and I think I made 50 bucks. Then I just stopped racing, and rode trails, and street. Different companies throughout racing sponsored me, but when I got on Kink, I thought that I might be able to make a living off riding bikes. Damn, it’s actually been 23 years since I started racing, I was 4.
How are things going with Shadow, do you have any new signature stuff coming around?
Shadow is the best company I’ve ever ridden for. The team is so involved in every aspect of Shadow, from the parts, to who gets free stuff, and who gets on the team. It’s awesome, Shadow is all about BMX and it shows.
Who are some of the people you ride with the most?
Travis, Boyd, Ben Hucke, Vince Kroff, Jesse Whaley, Eddie when he’s around, The McCabe Bros, Lil Caleb, Shad, Slo, Bristol, Rich, shit, there’s more, too many people in Portland to list.
Who are some people you haven’t had a chance to ride with you would really like to meet and ride with?
Lucky for me, I’ve traveled so much, and I’ve ridden with a lot of people, so I guess it would just be riders from a different time period, like the 80’s. Real freestyle OG’s.
Do you have any big trips planned for Subrosa or yourself at all coming up?
I’m heading down to California in a few, for some dry weather. We’re doing another Subrosa trip in Jan/Feb in the Southwest. Also looking into doing our first overseas team trip.
Do you have any goals or plans for 2008 you really would like to accomplish?
I just want to keep moving forward with Subrosa. I don’t ever want Subrosa to get stale, and not progressing forward. I also want to travel a lot more this year, see Bruce Springsteen live, and play more poker.
How do you feel about the fast progression of the sport lately? Seems like every kid and their mother can do a front flip to hang 5 out…
Yeah, it’s definitely a wild scene out there. I’m not too into a lot of the newest tricks, but I can’t say it’s not impressive. A lot of the shit seems impossible, even after I watch someone do it.

Since you life in Oregon, do you find yourself riding more cement parks, street, or trails?
† Definitely more cement. This city is really getting it done when it comes to parks. New parks get built at such an amazing rate, and each one out does the one before it. You could easily ride 2 different parks a day for everyday of the week, and the furthest you would drive is 45 minutes. Bikes are aloud at all but one.
Outside of riding, who or what are your biggest influences in your life?
† Outside of riding I would say friends/family and music are my biggest influences. Also traveling overseas, and seeing other countries really puts into prospective how backwards things are in our country.
5 years ago vs. Now
Bike set up
Then: 2002 Kink Freebird, gyro, 2 pegs.
Now: 2008 Subrosa Pandora, Linear Shadow Cable, no pegs.
Riding Style
Then: Loose and squirrelly, with the occasional bar-spin
Now: Loose and squirrelly, with the occasional bar-spin
Favorite Places to ride
Then: Anywhere my friends are at.
Now: Anywhere my friends are at.
Car you are driving
Then: 1981 Pontiac Trans Am S.E. Gold Edition
Now: 1981 Pontiac Trans Am S.E. Gold Edition, just faster.
Favorite Band
Then: Alkaline Trio
Now: Modest Mouse
Do you still do killer burnouts?
Actually just about a week ago, I had a good night at the poker table, picked up my girl Sarah and some of her friends, and I had to show em a nice one.
Your favorite riding memory?
† My all time favorite memory is winning the Great Northwest Nationals when I was maybe 11 or 12, I looked over at a crowd of people as I crossed the finish line, and saw my dad jump with his hands in the air above everyone else. He was psyched.
Favorite websites?
What is something that people do not know about you that they would find ironic or surprising?
…I thought for a long time, but then gave up. I don’t know.
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Ronnie B. and everyone at Sparky’s, my parents, K.C. Badger, Joshua Cornell, the cast and crew of The Office. It’s a long list, I’ll just stop there.
Did I miss anything you would like to say or add?
Donate some cash to James Levan, and Stephan Murray.