Categories: Interview

Ryan Smith Interview

Ryan is a very talented rider from Mutiny that just happens to be from one of the capitals of BMX- Austin, Texas. He has a very interesting and positive look on life and riding that makes it very clear the kind of person he is. With that being said here is his interview. Enjoy, and let us know how you feel about it!

Photo: Devon Hutchins

Ryan Smith


Austin, Texas

Mutiny, Empire, Vclub, Etnies, Odyssey

Years Riding:

What was it that first got you into BMX and did you ever expect it to turn into what it is for you today?
– I first started riding whenever my dad built a little kicker ramp on our driveway when I was six. Back then I didn’t even know what BMX was, I was just into jumping the ramp. Never could I have imagined that I would be where I am today.

Your on the Mutiny team these days, how is that going for you and when will we be seeing some signature stuff out of you?
– Riding for Mutiny is one of the best things that could’ve happened. Everybody on the team is rad and a close group of friends. I couldn’t really ask for much more. My signature frame The Mystic just recently came out. There might be more plans in the future. We will see.

I know the Mutiny team just went on a trip, did you get to go on that? Do you have any plans for other trips, filming, photos, or anything like that going on with them and you anytime soon?
– I did not go on the most recent trip to the northwest, but I think there is a trip planned for this fall out to the northeast. I’m also beginning to work on the new Empire video as well as a Vclub project.

What is the coolest thing about being a “professional” BMX rider?
– The coolest thing for me is getting to travel and meeting so many rad people.

If I remember right you were one of the guys who started V-Club clothing. What’s up with that these days and is there still stuff available for people to get their hands on? How about any team trips or really good web videos like back in the day?
– Vclub is still alive and kicking, a new shirt design was just recently released. Also we just took a mini team trip to Maryland to film for the next video project.

You live in one of the top BMX cities in America, what is that like for you to have so many talented riders around to hang out and ride with?
– I’ve been real fortunate to grow up riding in such a thriving scene. The good thing about Austin is that there are so many people here that ride and shred. Its easy to go out and have a good session. Everybody feeds off of each other and you never have to worry about riding by yourself.

What is a typical day like for you anyways?
– Wake up around noon and try to get some people to ride. After that we’ll usually go for a swim and then find some night time festivities somewhere.

Where are some of your favorite spots you have had the chance to ride over the years?
– I had a good time riding in Toronto last summer. But one of my favorite spots has to be the Boulder park in Colorado.

Where are some places you would really like to go to at some point?
– I’d like to do some more traveling outside the U.S, maybe Spain, Italy, or Germany.

Clearly your real dialed on a bike, what are some of those BMX tricks that you can’t get sick of?
– Tabletops, turndowns, nac nacs, 360s

What are some tricks, lines, spots, or anything that seem to give you the most trouble and cannot seem to get done?
– I’ve always had trouble doing tailwhips, they never seem to work for me

Who or what are some of the biggest influences on your riding?
– Garret Byrnes, Joe Rich, Chris Hallman, Chase Hawk, friends that I’m riding with, and music.

What is something BMX could use less of, and what could it use more of?
– BMX could use less shit talk and internet message boards and more abubacas.

Photo: Devon Hutchins

Outside of BMX what are some things you are into?
– skateboarding, photography ( ), reading, swimming, hanging out with friends, playing guitar, listening to music

You seem to be pretty into filming and editing. What kind of camera gear, editing software, and computer are you using?
– I just bought a Panasonic dvx100B and I edit with Adobe Premiere on a hand me down Dell desktop.

If you could be granted 3 wishes, what would you ask for and why?
– 1. To have a never ending travel budget to travel the world
2. That the Bush administration never came to power
3. I would give the third wish away to someone that needed it, haha

What is the scariest shit you have ever experienced in your life?
– Witnessing a fatal car wreck 100 feet in front of me on I-35

What or who are some of your biggest influences on your life?
– My parents, My brother, musicians, John Lennon, people willing to fight the good fight

Do you spend much time on the computer? Any favorite websites?

Do you work at all or is BMX your full time job?
– I work at a bike shop assembling complete bikes.

If you couldn’t live in Austin, Texas anymore, where would you go and why?
– I would want to move to a city with the same liberal feel as Austin, so maybe somewhere like San Fransisco.

What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next few years?
– graduate college, travel as much as possible, meet new people, have fun riding my bike

What is some of the best advice you have ever been given?
– Find your dream and pursue it to the fullest. If you are patient and want it badly enough the universe will usually conspire in your favor.

What kind of advice do you have for kids just getting into BMX?
– Remember to always have fun with it, don’t let what others think of your riding determine the way you ride, be an individual.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
– I would like to thank my parents, my brother, all my friends and family, Joe and Gaz at Mutiny, Jeremy at Vclub, Tina and Tom at Empire, Povah at Etnies, Jim B at Odyssey, everyone on the Mutiny team, everyone I’ve ridden with and had a good time with.

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