
Scotty Cranmer dropped a new video from a challenge that Big Boy, Cory Berglar, Mike Shimak and Brooklyn took on with matty Cranmer as the official judge. The challenge? See who can manual the furthest without a front wheel. Anyone who has ever tried to manual without a front wheel should know it’s a completely different game when you pull the weight of the front wheel, plus the rotational weight off. Hit play to watch these guys try and figure out the magic behind it with plenty of laughs along the way.

Have you ever thought of riding your bike with no front wheel, probably not because it wouldn’t work. And we 110% don’t suggest that you ever try and ride your bike with out a front wheel. Somehow the crazy Big Boy convinced the crew to have a manual competition on there bikes where as soon as they lifted up for the manual the front wheel would roll away. You would be in a manual with no front wheel and who ever can hold it for the longest time would win. The dangerous part about this challenge is that if you go forward you no longer have a front wheel and its an instant flip over the bars. This contest turned out to be a ton of fun and I loved watching every minute of it so I hope you guys enjoy this one!