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Scotty Cranmer Is Giving Away 3 Custom BMX Bikes


Scotty Cranmer is giving away 3 custom BMX bikes over the course of the next 3 weeks!

Here’s some news for those of you out there that like to WIN FREE STUFF. Scotty Cranmer teamed up with his sponsors Hyper and Snafu to GIVE AWAY 3 different bikes to people. Hit play to let Scotty give you the run through of the first bike that he is giving away this week! Hit play, check out the first bike and find out how to win!

It’s the holiday season and this year I decided to do something for everyone that’s watching the channel every single day! So for the next 3 weeks I am going to be giving away one custom top of the line BMX bike per week ending on christmas eve! This week my sponsor hyper BMX and snafu BMX donated a black wizard frame and a whole bunch of bmx parts to be able to build this black and green themed bike to giveaway! We are so happy to be able to make this giveaway happen and I hope to make three of our Channel followers Christmas dreams come true!” – Scotty Cranmer

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