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Scotty Cranmer – One Year Since My Life Changing Accident


It was one year ago today that we all started getting word that Scotty Cranmer took a bad slam and that he was rushed to the hospital, without much info coming out. In the coming days we found out more and more about the surgeries and more that he had to go through. At the time, there was a really good chance that Scotty would never walk again, but over the past year he was proving to all of us that he wasn’t going to give up. Since then he’s managed to get back to standing, walking and even getting back on his bike to pedal and even jump a little! Today, Scotty decided to put together a video looking back at the year from the crash on up to where he is today… Hit play… Hell yeah, Scotty! You have been a huge inspiration, showing everyone that giving up isn’t an option!

It has been one year since the day that change my life forever. My body has to relearn how to do every thing from riding my BMX bike at a professional level all the way to learning how to tie my shoes again. Even though I was supposed to never walk again I am now up on my feet living a normal life even driving a car. In this video I show a timeline of my past year from October 12, 2016 to October 12, 2017 and I show every milestone that I have conquered along the way. Thank you to everyone that watched my videos and lended a helping hand along the way. I couldn’t have done it without you all.” – Scotty Cranmer

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