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Scotty Cranmer – Progress Update: Walking Machine

It looks like Scotty is on the move!

We have been seeing Scotty Cranmer in all the videos on his channel since he has been released from the rehabilitation facility and had his surgery to fix the missing piece of his skull. However, with all of the videos, Scotty hasn’t given too many updates on the progress he has been making to regain his ability to walk and get control of his body again. It turns out that he’s been putting in a TON of work when the camera is off and it looks like he’s WALKING and CLIMBING STAIRS on his own again! This is HUGE since he had a super small chance of ever walking again after his injury. So stoked on this one. Hit play and check it all out! It looks like Scotty’s a walking machine once again! It’s only a matter of time before he’s back on that bike pedaling around!

Been a little over a month since my last update on my spinal cord and brain injury. I have made a lot of progress since the surgery putting my four head back in. As of lately I have been starting to walk on my own so today I decided to walk around my bike shop for you guys! Big boy was here to help out and he decided to challenge me to get on the bike on my own! So I got on the bike and I decided that I wanted to attempt to roll the bike and keep the balance with my feet! I was so happy I was able to pull it off! After the bike shop we went to my house and I decided to show off the progress I’ve been making going up and down my stairs. After the stairs I went to the piano and played the song that I played the day I got home from rehab and I showed the footage from the last video to compare the difference and the difference is pretty amazing! I am so proud of my progress and I’m so glad that all of you are alone on this ride with me and inspiring me every day! I’m going to keep on working my butt off until I get back on my bike for you all thank you!

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