Scotty Cranmer – Trying The New Pool Ride Obstacle


Scotty Cranmer and crew whipped up another rad obstacle for the Find Your Fight Jam!

If you’re going to the Find Your Fight Jam to benefit Kevin Robinson’s family this weekend, you’re going to be in for a good time. Scotty Cranmer and crew are bringing a whole bunch of obstacles to ride and they’ve been giving us a little preview over the past few days. Today, we get a look at the new Pool Ride Obstacle that’s bound to make a few riders wet. Hit play to see how they built it and who was able to get through the first test.

We built another obstacle for the obstacle course on sunday and this time we built a pool tire ride obstacle! The new obstacle feature a water pool and a piece of wood that you have to ride your BMX bike across! It was very difficult to make across and everyone got wet by falling into the water! We are so excited about the big event and watching everyone try the obstacle course!” – Scotty Cranmer

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