BMX is cool because of how many different personalities there are in it. Sean is one of those guys who you really can’t judge just by looking at him. He recently won video part of the year at N.O.R.A Cup and always seems to have something badass in the works. I am willing to bet a few things in this interview will blow your mind, I know I was caught off guard by a few things. Enjoy, and leave some comments!

All photos: Jeff
Sean Burns
Seattle WA
Metal Bikes, Kill City Jeans, Éclat components, bone deth, dick mauls bike shop
Years riding:
What was it that originally got you into BMX?
I skated at first… and could not Ollie for the life of it, and then rode my brothers BMX bike and could instantly bunnyhop. I took it from there..
I cannot imagine that you would, but did you ever imagine BMX turning into what it has for you? The sponsors, N.O.R.A cups, and everything?
Not at all… especially for the era that I grew up… I started riding around 1994 and 95. My first video was props issue number 9, followed by 1201, both of them were kind of the same summer and footage… there were no N.O.R.A cups back then… and dirt jumpers I looked up to didn’t have sponsors yet, Kris Bennett and all the push locals. it all just was fun and looked fun as fuuuck.

How are things going with Metal these days? Any changes to the frame, or other signature parts, web videos, or video parts, trips, or anything cool going on with them?
WEB VIDEOS, NO. As much as kids and people like to see footage every day on the internet, that is not what Metal is about. We stand strong for QUALITY NOT QUANITY in our showcase of riders. Metal for 2009 yess is going to be very different. We have switched manufacturing companies, there are going to be some new team riders in the near future, we have a completely new line of product to be unleashed, and possible plans for starting a new video this upcoming summer. Chris Wilson has a new frame in the works titled the “Moon Unit” which has a lower top tube than the rest of the metal frames. It is something more for riders that adjust to Wilson’s style. My frame will stay the same, a few minor adjustments, and shorter drop out. bla bla etc.
You joined the Eclat team not too long ago, how are things going with them? Do you have anything in the works with them at the time?
I could not be happier, I am so stoked to be apart of this and it is going completely pureee taste. I would usually go through a pair of cranks between 2 hours or 2 months and these éclat cranks have stood up since July. That is almost 5 months, and still purring beautifully. As far as things in the works, There is not too much yet, a signature shirt that should be out soon. I believe anything parts related will come further down the line.
What about the rest of your sponsors? Do you have anything big going on with them?
There are some possible overseas trips with Éclat. I have never left North America so I am really into that…
After winning video part of the year this year, do you have any intensions on trying to do it again next year? You seemed surprised that you won it; did you honestly not expect it even though everyone was yelling your name?
Intensions! hahaha. I do not ever intend on winning anything. That’s actually the only thing I’ve ever won in my life. I just ride what I think is fun, and film what I think I would want to see in a video. Yeah I was surprised; because in my mind someone like Dakota Roche could probably do everything, I do in that video. I voted his part, it blew me away.. Tech and gnar and gnarly tech usually you only get one or the other.

It seems like you have to be a pretty badass dude to be on Metal these days, do you have much say on whose on the team?
Yes, I pretty much play a slight team manager role at Metal, but usually if were going to put a new guy on the team, first run it by Jimmy, and the rest of the guys.. Were really picky and try not to add a million kids at once and throw them on a flow team, haha I mean we can’t afford too. But yeah we try to stick to the style of speed and having no disregard for your body hahah.
You have been doing some traveling to film and do other trips lately, where are some places you have traveled?
It has just been the States, nowhere fancy, Vegas, Tulsa Oklahoma, DC, and Baltimore. haha I never go anywhere too fresh.
Where are some places you would really like to go someday?
Anywhere in Scandinavia like Finland, Norway, etc… Germany,
Greece, Africa… England, too many to keep naming…
When will the next Bonedeth contest take place? Is there anything planned so far you can tell us about?
There are no plans of when, where though most likely in the North West. We have just been too busy doing filming for the upcoming bone deth video ‘Surfin for the Ugly Broads’ which is looking to be out late spring/early summer.
Who are some of the guys you have been riding with these days? Any up and comers you think people should be watching out for?
On a regular basis I ride with Ferbert, ox, Chris Crawford, Albie Bennett
I am not really a fan of the term up and coming, and preaching new riders. I have been pretty stoked on Chris Crawford, I do not think anyone has ever seen him ride, just simple fast stuff.
If you could change anything about BMX, what would you change?
The negativity. I might come across as negative at some points. Mostly towards the plastic parts and slow riding, but I just mean it that I do not like it for me. There is a place for everything; if everyone rode the style I like, shit would be boring. I like that there is virtually all different styles, and it is all respectable. However, when everyone hates on each other it gets kind of retarded.
What do you think you would be up to if you never got into BMX?
I always imagined myself doing something involving music, or even acting, or writing weird shit. Probably writing.
It seems like there are always some awesome photos of you and hot chicks floating around, what is the Sean Burns key to success with women?
Key to success? hahahah. Being a weirdo helps. There is a handful of women that love creeps, but not in the manner of child molesting creeps. Spending a lot of time around girls and knowing that there are some FREAKS out there. Your regular school girl looking lady might not be the innocent victim.. She might actually be a model for a bound and gagged website with here titties tied up and they love it!

What are you usually up to when your not riding or anything?
Ahh err when I am not riding.. Yeah I am usually getting into weird situations. There is no telling how a day goes. For some reason I cannot walk out the door for 5 minutes with out weird shit happening. My first day I moved to Seattle, I go out riding for 10 minutes and spot a half woman, half man looking fish thing, with a toilet paper made dress masturbating, while eating fish and singing “another one bites the dust”
If you could see any band live right now, who would you pick and why?
Dead Boys, with Stiv Bators being dead fuck… I would love to see them shits
What kind of movies are you into?
I am not really a movie fan, porn is good
Did you ever go to college or work at all before all the sponsors started taking care of you?
I still work. I do not make a living off riding bikes, maybe 400 dollars a month. I have to struggle to get by especially due to trips.
I go off an on with jobs, I was working at salvation army for a bit, now that I have moved it looks like I am going to be working at a tanning salon.
I always try to get a job that has benefits; Salvation Army provided free clothes and old ladies, tanning salons… Toxic tangerine boobies.
Have you ever been in a fight or arrested?
I got wacked in the face by a captain Ron look a like and a knife fight with a gay rapist in Las Vegas… All I can think of really.
There was a rumor floating around that you were straight edge? Do you know why people were saying that?
I have not heard this rumor hahaha. I hate the term straight edge. I would love to be straight, no smoking no drinking nothing, and being totally healthy. I go through phases with it. I actually hate alcohol. I am not a fan of being drunk and getting messy. The back of my mind despises it now days. People always get the idea that I do a lot of drugs and its def the complete opposite.
What makes for an awesome night for you?
Go out and ride bikes, get some clips, followed by some Brewster babes whaaat!!
If you could have any super power, what would you choose and why?
Mind control baby!

Who or what are some of the biggest influences on your life?
Jimmy Levan, Kris Bennett, PUSH and POSH, scum videos, Anthem, 1977, zero skate videos, WElCOME TO HELL, Taj, Van Homan, the little devil videos, my friends growing up, ox and Ferbert,
Ryan Worcester’s fast plants, Stiv Bators and the dead boys, Vic Murphy’s tables, Stickers’ tables, Jim Morrison, and rock n roll n general.
If you could spend the day with anybody, alive, dead, or fictitious, who would you pick and why?
Bill and Gary Jones, the legend and wildcard, 2 friends of mine who were murdered a year n half ago… to be able an get some words out of them once again would be top notch. They were the two most influential people I knew as far as personality. Most of the weirdo tongue you hear from me came from them two.
Do you spend much time on the computer? Any favorite sites?
I spend time answering emails, MySpace messages, Metal emails, nothing too weird. My ex gf looks at porn a lot so I get into it a lil bit. I check here and there
What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next few years?
Solidify metal bikes, bone deth video, metal video. Do some wild ass bone deth ninja course style events. fuck hell I don’t know, just keep riding and filming video parts as much as possible until my body cant take it anymore.
Do you have any crazy stories involving hookers, midgets, homeless people, or pissed off pedestrians?
I made out with a midget in Vegas… Rubbed her tummy and patted her forehead… and for homeless people and pissed off pedestrians, you’ll just have to buy the bone deth video to witness some of the madness.
When you meet somebody new, how do you explain to them what you do for a living?
How do I explain? … I work a cash register. It is pretty simple
What is the worst thing and best thing you have ever spent your money on?
The worst… a rapping Santa Claus toy at 7-11. It was only cool for a minute. And the best… lap dance in Canada that led to sex. $12 dollars whaaat!
What kind of advice do you have for the people out there?
Jumping gaps is not something just anybody can do. It takes time and effort to learn how to tuck and land correctly. IT IS NOT HUCKING unless it looks sketch!
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks diaper dad, your dick gets shitty eh?
Anything else you would like to say?
Bite the bitch
NORA Cup 2008 Video part of the year.