Justen Soule has released Session Atlas!

The other week we caught up with Justen Soule to learn more about Session Atlas, a new project that gives you a look at some of the finest skateparks and bike parks around Canada with detailed videos, photos and descriptions. We’re talking some serious detail and documentation of the best parks in Canada (and soon to be the United States, Australia and more…) Above is the intro video and below you can find just a few of the parks that are spotlighted on the Website, App and Youtube channel that all launched this morning! Check out more below or head over to SessionAtlas.com to learn more now!

Campbellford Park In Ontario

Kitchener – McLennan Skate & Bike Park

Hastings Skatepark In Vancouver

Have something specific you want to ride? The Feature Finder might just help!

Check out the full parks list and more over on SessionAtlas.com now!

Check out more videos on Session Atlas Youtube

You can also download the App by searching for “Session Atlas” in the iTunes or Android stores, so you can have everything on your phone!

This will be a growing project, so expect to see new parks popping up from Canada to the United States, Australia and more countries in the near future! This is an amazing tool that should help riders find new places to ride or plan a proper road trip to some amazing parks!

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