Categories: Interview

Shane McLellan Interview


When you spend as much time as I do watching edits and what not, you eventually start catching on to names you should be prepared to see a good edit from. Over the last few months, I’ve been seeing Shane’s name pop up more and more with some solid filming and editing. I also noticed that he spent a lot of time in Connecticut and California. So the curiosity got to me, and I asked if he would be into answering a few questions for me, and this is what Shane had to say. Check out a little bit about him, along with some of his edits, and then leave him some love in the comments!

Name: Shane McLellan

Location: Santa Barbara, CA

Sponsors: Drop Out bike shop

Years riding: 9 or 10?

What was it that first got you in BMX? Any early memories?
Haha I remember seeing Dave Mirra on the X games and I thought it was the coolest shit ever. I got my first bmx bike not too long after, she was a chrome Mongoose xpert comp- it was rad. Countless hours spent on my friends foot tall plastic kicker haha, it was too fun.

What was it that got you into filming and editing? Did it come because of BMX or just brought the two together?
I remember I got a Canon Powershot a40 for my bday in like 00 or 01. I think it was a 2 megapixel picture camera haha. I found out it could shoot video and I stopped taking pictures with it, my buddies and I started filming ourselves cruisin around a bit and making little videos, it was a blast. So yea, deff started out because of BMX.

You’re originally from the east coast, but now reside in the west coast. What was the reason for making the move over to California from New Haven?
I love CT and the east but I just wanted a change. Long story short, I was working my ass off in a processing and distribution center on a night shift for a few years. Between a 2 hour commute, overtime, and catching up on sleep I didn’t get to do shit. I decided it was too much, theres way more to life then working in a factory haha. My girlfriend was looking into schools out here in California and one of my good friends moved out to Santa Barbara so I figured what the hell, I enrolled back into school, packed my stuff up and made the move last June.

I feel like there are some big differences from the east compared to the west when it comes to BMX. Is that just me, or what? What do you feel are some of the differences?
Yea man definitely, it’s like night and day. Spot wise- the schools out here are incredible. 99% of the time you can roll up on any school and there is something dope to ride. The ditches out here are a ton of fun too, they are far and few in the Northeast. The people are way more chill out here too. There are exceptions, but it seems like a lot of the time people are psyched to see you ride instead of calling cops and trying to kick you out of places.

If you had to choose a favorite, which side would you claim?
Hmmm that’s a tough one, I would probly say the east just because that’s where I grew up but damn, that winter is harsh!

Let’s say you are back home. Where can you usually be found riding and with who?
You can usually find me at the West Haven park or Edgewood park during the day, when the weather is bad I like cruisin down to Haven skatepark. most of the time I like to ride street around the New Haven area, so much good stuff. As for people I’m usually ridin with, my man Tom Burke back home, Sven, Will Talamelli, Fakie, Garretts’,

What about when you are in California?
I usually stick around the SB area out here, hoping to make some LA trips soon. Out here you can usually catch me ridin with Matt Petrissans, Sean Morr, Tyler Finnigan, Quincy Dean, Ricky Munoz

Who are a few dudes that are coming up that you think people need to keep an eye out for?
Hmm I would say watch out for Tom Burke, I heard him and Jeff Dupaul have been doing some filming… Matt Barchus is a beast good to see some stuff poppin’ up of that dude lately, Alex Raban too for sure.

Since I’m from the Midwest, I’ve noticed you have been doing quite a bit of filming with Sean Morr lately. When’s he going to be blowing up more?
Soon, we’ve been shootin a lot lately. Haha dude aint skurred!

You recently broke your leg, right? How did that happen? How long are you out for?
Haha man… A damn feeble pop up manual haha. I’ve been out for about 7 weeks now, I think I’ve got a few left.

So I’d imagine you have been clocking in some time behind the lens since you can’t cruise for a little while. When can we expect your next edit to drop?
Yea I’ve deffinetly been shooting a bunch lately trying to get out the house, got some new heat of Tyler Finnigan and Quincy Dean coming out soon, they have been killin it lately.

Have you been doing any filming for any videos or companies at all?
Ehh kind of toyed with the idea of making a video but I don’t know if people would really check it out. As for companies nothing really official, kind of just if a friend needs an edit for whoever I help them out.

What kind of a camera, gear, and editing setup are you working with these days?
Right now I’m filming with a Sony hdr-fx7, Raynox fe180 lens, and a glidecam. At home I’m editing with final cut on my mac.

What’s your dream camera to be working with? I feel like they have come some huge distances in the last few years with affordable HD options and even 3D.
Haha I don’t know, there’s always something new. Lately I have been drooling over the hpx170 though. Too bad I’m broke!

Who are some of your biggest influences when it comes to BMX?
I would probly have to say Butcher and Will Taubin, so raw haha. I used to watch Neighborhood Super Heros then wanna go out and shred

What about for filming and editing?
I like watching Navaz’s stuff a lot, his stuff is always super clean. All of Alex Raban’s shit is tight too.

What do you think you would be up to if you never got into BMX?
Probably still throwing around sacks of mail at the post office.

So what are you usually up to when you aren’t riding or filming and editing?
Usually just tryin to take it easy, chillin with my girlfriend, been watching a ton of Netflix lately with my jacked up leg.

I’d imagine living on both sides of the country you have managed to do some traveling in your days. Where are some of the places you have had the chance to visit? Where are some places you would really like to go someday?
I’ve been all up and down the east coast, Caribbean, and just a couple cities in Cali. I really wanna make a roadtrip up and down the west coast this summer, and at some point I want to make it out to Europe. I heard Italy and Germany are dope.

Lets say you are given a big budget and a van to do a road trip. You are able to bring any 5 people, but only 5. Who do you bring and where do you go?
Damn, only 5? Tyler Finnigan, Matt Petrissans, Tom Burke, Will Talamelli, and Sean Morr. I would wanna just go across the country, I think it would be cool bringin the Cali dudes to the east coast and the east coast homies to the west. Then, have Sean take us around the midwest in between.

What’s something you miss when you are out in Cali, and what about when you are back home in Connecticut?
What I miss from Ct is the pizza! When I’m home I miss the SB beaches, haha Long Island Sound is haggard.

Are you going to school for film or anything like that? What do you do for work currently?
Yea I’m going to school right now for film production, it’s awesome. Right now I’m working at a chill little liquor store

Do you find much time to go out much? What makes for a good night out for you?
Yea I go out every once in a while, moneys tight so I tend to shy from the bars haha. Usually any night talking shit and laughing with some friends over some beers is a good night out.

What’s the last song you heard, movie you watched, and website you visited?
Lol Cool Kids- Black Mags, watched Pink Flamingos last night- that shit is crazy, and I was lurkin around either on facebook or TCU a little while ago.

What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next few years?
I want my degree, for sure travel around more, and just meet new people and have a good time.

What’s something about you that even some of your closer friends probably don’t know?
I hate Patrick from Spongebob

In your eyes, what’s the craziest thing that has ever happened to you?
haha I got attacked by an emo band last year, oh the irony

What’s the best advice you have ever been given?
Don’t be that guy.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Yea shouts to Mike Macisco and Tom Burke at Dropout bike shop for hookin it up and keeping up a good shop for the Ct scene. Big thanks to my mother and family for helping me out with my move and with my broken leg. Also a shout out and thanks to everyone I’ve got to ride with for all the good times!

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