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Shuhei “Max” Azuma – The Art of Pedal Grinds


Shuhei “Max” Azuma is a pedal grind wizard!

Whenever we see Shuhei “Max” Azuma‘s name pop up, we know we’re going to see something awesome. Here’s his latest edit that’s packed with crazy pedal grind lines and combos, along with a bunch of other tricks, for your viewing pleasure. Watch as Max absolutely crushes every rail, ledge, stairset and more in sight with plenty of style!

Over the past few months, Shuhei “Max” Azuma put this part together in Western Japan. His creative approach to the unique Japanese street spots compliments his riding seamlessly. Max brings a lot to the table in this section and some of his stand-out pedal grind moves had me glued to my screen. Don’t let me keep you, Pedal ice your way over to the play button and enjoy.

Filmed by: Taraleba riders / HHX
Rider / Edit: Shuhei “Max” Azuma” – Our BMX

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