Well! Another wild year of Simple Session has gone down in the history books for BMX. Like yesterday, we’ve got all of the hightlights between Ride BMX and Ride UK wrapped up into one giant post so you can see everything that went down in Finals and Best Trick yesterday! After you check out all of that, hit up the DIG website to check out a bunch of rad photos! Take a look at everything that went down along with full results below…

Despite judging controversy, Simple Session 2013 goes down in history as a contest that saw some of the highest caliber riding any contest has ever seen. With a cast of characters ranging from the likes of Alex Kennedy and Simone Barraco to the likes of Kyle Baldock and Daniel Sandoval and an equally balanced course designed by Nate Wessel and carried out by Aaron Bostrom, the riding level at SS13 was through the roof. At the end of the day, Kevin Peraza took home the top spot with Michael Beran and Harry Main behind him. Click play on the video above for full proof of all the insanity that went down in Tallinn on the 17th of March.” – Ride BMX

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Simple Session is done and dusted here in Talinn, Estonia. Some nuts riding went down as you would of seen if you were following it live yesterday. Here’s our highlights video from what went down” – Ride UK

Calamity ensued on the Failure “Ride the Lightning” setup at this year’s Simple Session, with street best trick happening on one of the most unique “street” obstacles the “street” contest scene has seen in its short life span. Possibly the only time the course was more hectic than practice sessions, the best trick contest was intense to say the least and at the end of the day, Stevie Churchill took the top spot with a 360 gap to feeble from one side of the lightning obstacle to the other.” – Ride BMX

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The Failure BMX “Ride The Lightning” Street Best Trick contest went down on the thunderbolt-shaped obstacle yesterday. Lots of nuts stuff went down, we didn’t manage to capture it all as everyone was going hell for leather on it! But we did get some highlights” – Ride UK

Best Trick Results
1st . Stevie Chruchill – 360 to feeble.
2nd. Trey Jones – Sprocket nose 360
3rd. Dan Foley – 180 gap backwards manual

Michael Beran clip courtesy of Ride BMX

Clip courtesy of Ali Douiyek

FINAL Results
1. Kevin Peraza MEX 444
2. Michael Beran CZE 437
3. Harry Main GBR 433

4. Daniel Sandoval USA 432
5. Kyle Baldock AUS 427
6. Logan Martin AUS 425
7. Devon Smillie USA 420
8. Pat Casey USA 414
9. Bruno Hoffman GER 413
10. Todd Meyn AUS 410
11. Stevie Churchill USA 408
12. Simone Barraco ITA 404
13. Trey Jones USA 399
14. Daniel Tünte GER 395
15. Alex Kennedy GBR 390
16. Tommy Dugan USA 390
17. Ryan Taylor GBR 387
18. Jack Clark GBR 385
19. Josh Harrington USA 383
20. Shanon Farrugia AUS 377
20. Anthony Perrin FRA 377
22. Jack Watts GBR 376
23. Sebastian Keep GBR 375
24. Dan Paley GBR 368

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