Check out this new full-length from the Sinco Crew!

If you’re looking for a full length video to enjoy, the Sinco Crew over in Italy have you covered. Check out 50 minutes of riding from spots all over Italy and a few other places they filmed over the past 3 years. This has real solid riding from a ton of different riders, so get on that play button and enjoy!

We started filming in 2021 without really knowing what we were doing, let alone having an idea or a concept for the video… But eventually we managed to put it together, and after a couple of premieres here in Italy, now we’d like to share it with everyone in order to shine a little spotlight on the Italian scene.

Street riding in Italy is kinda hard because we have some decent spots but they are all very spread out along the country… So with everyone working full time jobs, we used every possible weekend to go on filming trips with the trusty Fiat Doblò, Sinco Crew official means of transport. We slept on friends’ floors or mostly in tents in several sketchy camping situations because low budget life is our state of mind…

Cutting short, we acknowledge that there is a lot of room for improvement but at the same time we are very proud of the work we have achieved. We can’t wait to start filming again for other projects during this summer, using all the knowledge that we learned during this filming process.

Shirts and DVDs are available through our Instagram page (@sincocrew), if you’d like to support us for the annual jam that we usually organize.” – Mattia Lussana

Filmed and edited by Mattia Lussana

Additional filming:
Giacomo Di Carlo
Daniel Giordan
Alessandro Mandelli
Luca Nosella
Luca Perrone
Davide Raimondo
Mattia Romanazzi
Simone Semenzato
Matteo Vitali

Artwork by Matteo Maicu

Lettering and animation by Silvia Marzano

DVD booklet photography by Luca ‘Lucio’ Tomè

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