
S&M Bikes coming through with a behind the scenes look at the session in Clint Reynolds’ bowl!

When the S&M Bikes team was filming for their “Hot Dogs Who Can’t Read” DVD, they rolled through Clint Reynolds‘ place for a session in his bowl. Here’s a behind the scenes look at what went down during the session from the whole team, along with a look at what it took to get Clint’s insane fufanu on his van clip! Check it out!

Clint’s fufanu on the top of his van in his Hot Dogs section deserves a deep rewind and a little insight into the vibe of the day.

While we were on our way out, he didn’t mention wanting to try this because it had rained the night before and we weren’t even sure if we’d get to ride the bowl at all. Clint set up some fire barrels to dry it out and everything else fell into place.” – S&M Bikes

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