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S&M Bikes – Factory Friday: Edwin BTM XL Say What?


S&M Bikes dropped a fresh Factory Friday for you to check out!

Another week has flown by us, and that means that it’s time for a fresh episode of S&M Bikes Factory Friday giving us a look at what they got into at the warehouse out in California! As always, they’re cranking out orders, along with welding up new frames, bars, forks and more! Check out everything going on, along with a sneak peek at a special edition Edwin Delarosa colorway they’re cooking up!

The shop is hummin’ and the goods keep comin’! We’ve got restocked stems, Squib frames, fresh color/graphics on new Black Magic frames and those BTM XL’s heading off to paint will be coming back as sig. Edwin DeLaRosa frames – any guesses what color?

And if you’re still with us at the end, Bossman Moeller fancies himself a lumberjack these days… watch him fall a 50 foot tree at the S&M CO compound!

Filmed by: James Eason
Edited by: Brant Moore” – S&M Bikes

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