S&M Bikes – Factory Friday: You Ready To Ramble?


Check out what went down at the S&M Bikes warehouse this week!

It’s that time of the week again for S&M Bikes to give us a look at what went down at their warehouse in California this week. They have the new Halahan Rambler frame getting welded up, new colors and much, much more. Hit play and take it all in!

Órale vatos! You ready to RAMBLE? In this especially epic edition of Factory Friday – Moeller and Balls breakdown the soon-to-be released Lukas and Nate Halahan signature RAMBLER frame. Then, we shoot over to the big guy, Mike Hoder, to hear all about his Special Edition Serapé Drop inspired by a new BORN TO MOBB sticker he drew.

From there, Rita stickers up the all new colorways of the 18″ Wheel Shane Halahan FIT SQUIB, we receive some raw materials and a re-run of MOD’s in highly sought-after Trans Brown and Clear and get a sneak peak of the Serapé BTM colors.” – S&M Bikes

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