
S&M Bikes have added Jonny Mackellar to their line up down in Australia and that kicks a TON of ass. As many of you know, Jonny absolutely CRUSHES it on trails and transitions, bringing a ton of style to everything he touches. He’s also not scared to haul ass and send it, which is always a good thing. Here’s his official welcome to the team video that has a pretty chill vibe, but there’s a TON amazing riding in this one. Get on that play button and don’t forget to give this a share!

Jonny Mackellar throwin’ the mack down in this Welcome to S&M edit expertly filmed and edited by James Fox. Jonny joined the rest of the Australian Shield Squad on a trip earlier this year but thanks to a nudge from the boyz at Backbone BMX, he’s now officially one of us. Without further ado… herrrrrrrrrrrre’s Jonny!

Rider: Jonny Mackellar @ttermite666
(high five cameo by Timmy Weekes)
Filmed & Edited by: James Fox
Music: Space Child by UFO” – S&M Bikes

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