
You know you’re going to see something rad when the Halahan’s roll in. Here’s a new one from S&M Bikes giving us a look at what Nathan Halahan and Lukas Halahan got into during their time down in Texas earlier this year. This is packed with dialed concrete park shredding with no shortage of style! Take a look!

The Halahan boys spent the Spring in Texas and linked up with the legendary Stew Johnson for this piece! Featuring Lukas + Nathan Halahan, plus a star-studded guest list on some prime, southern concrete.

Featuring: Lukas + Nathan Halahan, Ever Peacock, Kurt Perkins
Filmed & Edited by: Stew Johnson

Courtesy of New High Recordings

“Time Traveller”
vocals/guitar: Rymodee
Bass/vocals: Marie D
Guitar/vocals: Daniel ADDC
drums: Teddy Ted” – S&M Bikes