Check out Isaac Barnes and Matt Desson’s leftovers from the “Hot Dogs Who Can’t Read” DVD from S&M Bikes!
The Canadians, Isaac Barnes and Matt Desson, had a bunch of leftover footage from the “Hot Dogs Who Can’t Read” DVD. Instead of letting it go to waste, they tossed it together for this new edit for your viewing pleasure. You already know Isaac and Matt crus it, so get on that play button and enjoy!
“If you had the pleasure of watching Hot Dogs Who Can’t Read — or better yet, got off your BUNS and bought a copy — you already know our neighbors to the North, a.k.a. Team Canada, had a killer section. Here’s the very last of the leftovers Charlie Crumlish had stuffed in the back of his ice box — half-thawed Isaac Barnes and Matt Desson comin’ atcha!
Riders: Isaac Barnes, Matt Desson, Andrew Schubert
Filmed by: Charlie Crumlish / Andrew Schubert
Edited by: Charlie Crumlish
Music: “You Spin Me Right Round,” by Dead or Alive” – S&M Bikes