Spotted this gem over on Flat-Matters. This is James White’s official welcome to the S&M flatland team. Everything about this video is so rad. Must see for sure!

“New bike, new sponsor, James Smith and few hour slot of dry weather! it was on! Yeah right!! I conveniently forgot to account for British December wind whistling through my spokes! Was forced into feeling up the cold floor hard more times than ever! Loved it!”
The truth of Flatland is far from the polished contest runs or neat video parts from your favorite riders, both of these have hours turned into years of solitude, failed progression and cruel consistency.
When I heard James was getting hooked up by S&M I thought a filming session was in order. Living at opposite ends of London we had to make the session count.
Although we were lucky to pin down a dry day, the high hopes of filming a list of bangers was dashed by wind, a flat tire and the unpredictable “having off an day” syndrome.
After fighting against elements and a change of location to a usually desolate car park full of debt hungry shoppers we bowed out to defeat. We parted ways with maybe scraping the whole edit idea and maybe booking a flight February chasing the sun.
After a busy year and cold winter I was keen to see the outcome of the rare past time of capturing moving images. In a tongue and cheek way I over laid the old voice of Johnny Cash to find it work well with the footage.
The result is what I can only describe as a honest view of riding and the journey those that choose roll upon.
Filmed and edited in 12hours, I am aware the song has been used many times. I have fallen into a habit of finding balance and comfort of finishing videos of late in black in white, but to me serves as a tool to keep the attention on the subject rather than over processed colour correction. I am proud to have stripped my editing of fake film flashes and keep it raw and simple.
Canon 5Dmk3 // Canon 7D // 50mm 1.2F // 24-70mm 2.8F // 8-15mm 4F // CS6 PP

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