Categories: events

S&M/Fit/Shadow Rail Jam Scraps


I guess people were a fan of the rail jam photos that I posted up on Dig (which if you haven’t seen, you should probably check out right now). I figured I would post up a few more on here that I didn’t post there. Thanks to S&M, Fit, and Shadow Conspiracy for making the jam happen. Check out the photos after the jump…

This is honestly the only photo I got of Corey Martinez… It’s dark because my flash didn’t go off, but somebody else’s kind of made it look cool.

Edit: Didn’t know who he was… interesting.

I know some people think flashes in the background look like shit… but I am a big fan of this picture. Randy Brown with a tire slide.

This is what the other side looked like. I never actually shot any photos from that side. Mostly because it was too packed and everyone was going pretty quickly to be moving back and forth to get photos.

Remember to check out some of my better photos over on Dig!

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