Sony Action Camera – Brett Rheeder’s Groundwaves ft. Ruben Alcantara


Sony Action Cam sent mountain bike rider Brett Rheeders to Malaga, Spain to get the full experience from the one and only, Ruben Alcantara! This video gives us a look at the riding they got in from Ruben’s park to some street and dirt spots that Ruben took the guys to. Needless to say, the footage is damn good and one you gotta see!

It would be a lie to say that we aren’t constantly inspired by all forms of biking, whether it’s BMX, slopestyle, freeride, or even road. Last year, Brett Rheeder’s first Dream Capture episode, Airs and Alleys, was heavily inspired by a trip produced by BMX legend Ruben Alcantara where he placed portable ramps throughout an urban environment. This year, when we were presented with the opportunity to film with Ruben in his hometown of Malaga, Spain for Rheeder’s second Dream Capture episode, there was no chance we were turning it down.

Shot 100% with Sony’s Action Cam
#SonyActionCam #ProveYourself #DreamCapture #Groundwaves”

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