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Source BMX Battle of the Brands 2 – Team Teasers


The Source BMX Battle of the Brands 2 videos stat dropping next week with the team challenge videos, followed up by the final riding videos the following week. Here’s a taste of what’s to come in the very short teaser clips for each team. Up top you can find Odyssey, and down below there’s Eclat, Cinema BMX and The Shadow Conspiracy’s teasers! Get ready, this is going to be good!

BOTB Challenges videos all drop in the week 21st – 24th June
All 4 Riding BOTB Edits are dropping 28th June!
” – Source BMX

@Odyssey BMX
Travis Hughes
Justin Spriet
Gary Young
Broc Raiford
Jacob Cable
Zach Krejmas
Scott Marceau

@Eclat BMX
Jordan okane
Alex Kennedy
Jordan Godwin
Dan Banks
Peter Adam
Paul Robinson

@Cinema BMX
Dakota Roche
Garrett Reynolds
Chad Kerley
Corey Martinez
Nathan Williams
Will Stroud
Kevin Connors

@The Shadow Conspiracy
Trey Jones
Jabe Jones
Seth Kimbrough
Joris Coloumb
Matt Ray
Ryan Sher
Ryan Chadwick

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