Categories: Interview

Stewart Munro on "How to make a DVD"

With the recent release of the DVD These Days, I figured it would be a cool idea to talk with Stewart about what it took to make the DVD. It seems like so many people want to make a video these days and have a good chance of failing. So maybe, if you have ever wanted to make a BMX DVD, or a video in general, this might just help you make it a reality.

Stewart Munro


Years involved with film:
I have been filming off and on for years. I have been filming full-time for the last 4 years now.

What was it the originally got you into video filming and editing?
I always would film Clint Millar and Colin Mackay when they were filming for Clint’s old Prody videos. When Colin got offered a part in the Ride BMX – Digital Interface DVD I filmed a lot of that when he was back in Australia.

Did you ever expect it to turn into a career?
Well I really had no idea what I wanted to do for a career so I ended up going to film school for 3 years. Now I have started my own production company (crf media). As of lately I have been getting a lot of free lance work with fuel tv usa and

Your freshly released DVD “These Days” turned out really great. What was it that made you want to make a full length video in the first place?
I always wanted to see if I could make a full length dvd. I just started talking with Corey Boahn and he was really interested in doing a part. After that I got in contact with some other riders and things just started from there.

Was making the video a learning experience, or did you already have an idea of what you were getting yourself into?
Making These Days was a BIG learning experience! Trying to stick to a deadline, riders backing out on the dvd two days before the deadline, and just trying to keep everyone happy!

What kind of equiptment are you working with from cameras and lenses to computers and editing software?
I got a NTSC Panasonic AG-DVX100a, Krasnogorsk-3 Super 16mm camera, and a Canon 1014 XL-S super 8mm. I edited the dvd on a pc using Adobe – After Effects, and Premiere Pro.

What is your dream set up for gear, computers, software, etc?
I really want to buy a Panasonic hpx 170 HD camera and Mac book pro.

What kind of a budget were you working with? How did you go about getting riders to places to film and everything?
There was no budget!I paid for everything myself with the exception of Corey bohan paying for my flight and a hotel to finsh his part. I’m very greatful for that! I just want to say a big thanks to all the riders in the dvd and their filmers!

How long did it take to film the video from idea to final product?
16 months!

When filming what are some things you really like to focus on doing?
I just try and make sure my camera is set up right and the lens is clean. I also try and work out where the best spot to film is.

When editing what are some things you really like to focus on doing?
Music is one of thing I like focus on. I just lie making sure everything goes together right.

After you had finished filming and editing, what are the next steps to getting the video mass produced and then shipped around the world?
I just googled “DVD Duplication” and found a good place to get the dvd made. I talked to Clint Millar about how to get distributors for the DVD. I have to say getting distributors to take your DVD when they have not heard of you before is very hard. Clint got me hooked up with Joel from Tip Plus for the U.S.A and Triple 6 for distributing the dvd in Australia and New Zealand.

What do you think seperates your style of filming and editing to other professional videographers and editors out there?
That’s a hard one… I guess I try and have a differnt feeling with my DVD’s.

Who are some people that really influence your work, or who do you look up to?
well i look up to all the videographers like Chad Shack, Will Stroud , Glen PP, Ryan Navazio, Marco Svizzero, Mark Eaton, Cooper Brownlee. I have looked up to all of these guys and I have been buying all their DVD’s!

If you could change anything about “These Days”, what would you change and why?
I would not change a thing! I am so happy and very lucky to have all the riders that are in the DVD in it!

Do you have any plans on making another video? Will it be easier because of what you have learned doing this project?
Right now I’m just thinking about who I would like to have a parts in the next DVD. Nick Cooper is on board for the next one so far.

What are some other things involved in making a video that you don’t think most people understand?
The whole organization side of making a DVD is a really big thing. Also that most people just don’t understand how much time goes into making a dvd.

What kind of education did you have to learn what you do? Do you feel school is important or is it one of those things you will learn most of it as you just do it?
When I first went to film school I just wanted to know how to edit. After I got there I saw all the other cool stuff that it had to offer. Shooting on film was the next thing I really wanted to get into. I just love the way 16mm and super 8mm look.

What can we expect from your new company Cutting Floor Productions as time continues?
Well, I will be working on a new dvd straight up. I will also be having my site going live anyday now. I would like to try and do some video work for some bike companys in the USA. Also just getting more videos on Vital BMX.

Outside of BMX, what are some other projects you are typically working on?
Next month I am filming a pretty big Australian band called PNAU
at a music festival that will have 50,000 people there. I will be shooting the whole thing in 16mm.

What kind of advice do you have for people looking to get into filming and editing?
Just get out there and film. Jut have a go at it! Learn how to uses all the manaul settings!

Anything else you would like to say?
I would like to thank Corey Boahn, Cooper Brownlee,, Clint Millar,I can’t be fucked Glenny M, Colin Mackay, Cam, European Bianca, Tall Bianca, Dave D for filming the 2nd angle. Anyone who helped making this dvd and all the riders and filmers that were involed! And Kurt for giving me this interview!

These Days Defgrip Exclusive from Defgrip on Vimeo.

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