
It’s that time of the week again where Subrosa drops Ryan Sher at the news desk to do an update on everything that the brand has going on from the team updates, this weeks Shout out, plus a first look at the brand new Matt Ray signature frame and seat and more!. Hit that play button and get a look at what they have going on!

This week I talk about Simone Barraco and Dig breaking the internet, Introduce the Subrosa Street Rail clip of the week, give some hints at whats in store for this years Sparkys Jam and more!

Subrosa “Fakie News” will be your chance to stay up to date with all the latest Subrosa news! Each episode will contain team rider updates, new products features, viewer questions, funny videos, events and jam calendar, rider interviews, deals and specials in our web store and more!” – Subrosa

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