Get in on this!
“Want to win some free stuff? Follow the instructions below, have some fun, and win some free goods from Subrosa Brand and Aggro Rag Freestyle Mag.
1. Grab a friend and shoot a pic doing a “McEndo”. Pictured in the flyer, and in the video below.
2. “Like” Subrosa Brand and Aggro Rag Magazine on Facebook.
3. Post the picture to BOTH the Subrosa Brand and Aggro Rag Facebook walls.
4. We will pick 3 winning photos, so be creative and have fun! Both riders in the photos will win the prize pack. Each prize pack includes Aggro Rag Issue 13, Subrosa Brand Crest T-Shirt, Subrosa Brand Villicus V2 Grips, and some Subrosa Brand Stickers.”
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