Sunday – Baltic Triangle Tour Flipbook + Video



The plan for the latest Sunday adventure was to have Gary Young and Alex Magallan venture around the Baltic Sea after the Simpel Summer Session contest while Andrew Brady films and I act as a tour guide, second camera angle and a third rider. This idea seemed flawless until Alex Magallan broke his arm a week before the trip. With Alex out, Gary was going to have to make up for it and to no one’s surpirse he did just that.

The tour takes us from Helsinki, Finland to Tallinn, Estonia then overnight to Stockholm, Sweden and finally back to Helsinki. If you’ve never been to this part of the world then do yourself a favor and go. These photos are shot by Gary Young and Andrew Brady.

The Baltic Triange Tour video from the trip will be on the site at 11 am EST time this coming Friday, but if you like our Facebook page then you can watch it right now by clicking HERE.”