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Sunday Bikes – “Grow Up” Arteaga, Duncan and Siemon Section


Sunday Bikes coming through with another “Grow Up” Section for your viewing pleasure!

Monday’s have not been as bad knowing that Sunday Bikes are dropping sections from their “Grow Up” DVD. This week, they have released the split section from Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan and Alec Siemon for your viewing pleasure. These three might be the younger guys in the crew, but they bring plenty of heat to the table! Get on that play button for grind after grind of pure goodness.

After you watch that…

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“Grow Up” Intro

Julian Arteaga, Jared Duncan, and Alec Siemon – Sunday’s AM squad – are some crazy talented and creative bike riders who are each pushing BMX forward in their own unique way. Julian’s smooth and refined technical prowess, Jared’s uncanny ability to look like he’s not even trying, and Alec’s unprecedented tailwhip mastery are only the beginning of what makes these guys awesome. Grow Up focused mostly on Sunday’s pro riders, but there’s no question all three of these guys could have filmed full parts had they been given the opportunity. Rest assured, they’ll get their time to shine.” – Walter Pieringer