On Friday, Sunday Bikes released the Intro to “Grow Up” and mentioned that they would begin uploading sections from the video starting with Jake Seeley today. Needless to say we’ve been refreshing Youtube over and over again in anticipation. Jake’s section is now live and it’s an absolute banger with some much amazing lines filled with technical grind combos and freecoaster action, along with so many unique and crazy setups. This is one section you cannot pass up watching! Hit play and enjoy!

There are a lot of innovative riders in BMX, but I think of Jake Seeley as having his own brand of innovation. Some riders take BMX in entirely new directions with wildly different moves, while Jake uses many of the same building blocks as other modern street riders, but in ways nobody else is coming up with. The result is some beautifully imaginative combos and a unique form of riding that’s at once grounded in tradition and refreshingly different.

Don’t think any of this comes easy. It’s not uncommon for Jake’s attempts at a clip to number in the hundreds; that’s not a testament to a lack of skill or ability, but to how hard what Jake’s doing really is, and to how dedicated he is to making the crazy shit he cooks up happen.

The other thing about Jake is he’s a perfectionist. Jake will try something 100 times, pull it nearly perfectly, hate one almost imperceptible detail, and give it another 100 goes. There are clips in his Grow Up part he landed seven or eight times, still wasn’t happy with, and we had to convince him to use. I don’t think I’ve ever filmed with a rider with such high standards.

But man, I gotta say it’s all worth it. Check out his part and you’ll understand.” – Walter Pieringer

Get the full video now as a digital download or DVD:

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