Sunsets and Sodas – Rob Wise in OZ


Rob Wise drops some serious hammers at some wild spots in this. Definitely check this out!

Rob Wise and I had been kicking around the idea of going to Australia for a couple of weeks because it’s snowing at home. We bounced the idea off the guys over at GT Bicycles and they told us they would pick up the tab and to go have some fun. Rob’s GT Team mate Dave Dillewaard said he would show us around if we came over so we were off. A huge thanks to Dave & his amazing family for putting us up. Also big thanks to Stewart, Yonny, Big Salad & all the boys that showed us around. A huge shout out to GT Bicycles for sending us over, it was a hell of a trip. This is Rob Wise In Oz!” – Sunsets and Sodas

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