Oh hell yeah! I’ve been waiting for this one to drop for a while now. Check out the full Hot and Sweaty Mixtape Josh Babu just dropped. This is 20 minutes of pure goodness.
“Hot and Sweaty.
Dave Raffam, Drew Quinlan, Jd Whitehead, Chris Aceto, Chase Dehart, Josh Babu, Pat Quinn, Jim T., Chris Girouard, Tommy Enright, Jake Grelli, Mike O., Johnny Stohlman, Nick Seabasty, Court Freeman, Baboon, Tommy Harris, Brian Jackson, Jeff Bustard and Pat Cregan.
Camera: Sony fx1
opteka .4x
Huge thanks to Drew and Dave once again, they pulled though always leaving me impressed. Drew and I put in some major work this year, we managed to do a Hunt DVD part along with this mix. 2012 was crazy; from run-ins with the law, meeting awesome new people, graduating from college and getting to ride my bike more than ever. Cant ask for more. Thanks to anyone who was down to help me film this video. 2013 should be fun.” – Josh Babu