Edit: This graphic, which was a quick 5 minute photoshop job, has been a large focus for a lot of criticism lately… Sadly, more than the words. This graph is not accurate at all, and was simply just a form of showing that there are more and more knock off BMX brands popping up every day producing more and more products causing there to be more supply than demand. I don’t have numbers to verify, and I sure as shit know I wouldn’t deny it being inaccurate but there are no numbers to verify, just constant complaints about there being too many brands now days… It was just something to go with the text. Apologies to anyone who was offended by this. I’ll put a picture of my room mates dogs red rocket or something that has no relevance if something like this comes up again.
Well… I woke up this morning and came across a few interesting news pieces that have definitely re-opened up a lot of interesting questions in my mind that I brought up in the original BMX ECONOMICS piece I wrote up back in July. What are these interesting news pieces? Over the past three or so days, rumors that Diamondback, MirraCo (Let’s face it… Trek) and Redline would be making some big cuts in the next few weeks when 2014 rolls over. Let’s talk about it…