Although this edit is filmed at their local park, there’s nothing but dialed grinds and lines in this from Gianluca Marrone and Daniele De Piccoli that would make for a proper street edit had the location changed. Both of these guys come through with some great riding and if you are a Chase DeHart fan, you will like this one especially! Hit that play button and take it all in!
“We had the opportunity to collect some footages from our sessions at the local skatepark in Pordenone as well as some places not far from home. So we decided to make an edit out of them.
We would like to thank Loco Banks for the support and for the great contribution of the growth of the local scene.
Filming/Editing: Daniele De Piccoli
Additional filming: Gianluca Marrone, Giulio Frau, Andrea Iacomi
Still photography: Gianluca Marrone
Song: Redman-Dunfiato”