Jordan Pope’s Dude Bird Mess Tape 2 section wraps up the release of all of the individual sections from the video they put out a little while back. Jordan always comes through with his distinct style and this is a good example of that.
Александр Мельников – Саша любит
Александр Мельников – Саша любит … from kingsbikesnet on Vimeo.
Due to the language barrier I don’t have much to go on, but this guy is pegless but absolutely kills it with tons of tech grinds for
West Yorkshire Peg Torture DVD Trailer
WYBMX trailer from Jambul on Vimeo.
Ouch! These guys are really giving this DVD their all, and the result is amazing riding, and horrible looking crashes. IF you are squeamish, cut out a few seconds before the end…
Fifty Second Burner
Fifty Second Burner from nlbmxpp on Vimeo.
Phil Bartlett and friends spend a day in Newfoundland, grinding all over the streets and a little bit of park too. It goes by fast, but it’s good while it lasts.
Matt Gistinger – The Foot High Ledge League
Matt Gistinger-The Foot High Ledge League from Mathew Gistinger on Vimeo.
As a long time four pegger, and a fellow low ledge jibber, I’m totally into this one. Here’s what Matt had to say about the video:
“We all know that foot high ledges are the greatest obstacle on planet earth, so why not have a league of foot high ledge riders.”
Grind on my brother, grind on.
Miha Glavic/Chris Tatschl Edit
Miha Glavic & Chris Tatschl in Klagenfurt from Luka Karlin on Vimeo.
Miha Glavic and Chris Tatschl go grind crazy at an indoor park in Klagenfurt. If you LOVE pegs like I do, this will totally make your day.
Markus Thoreson “Parkklipps” Edit
Markus Thoreson blesses us with fifty seconds of silky smooth grind lines. I’m looking forward to seeing what he can get done outdoors when the weather allows.