Jared Washington

Federal – Frankfurt Flipbook

Federal Bikes have released this dialed flipbook loaded up with photos from their Frankfurt trip they went on this past…

12 years ago

Insight: Animal – BPE Pedal

Last week when we dropped the Insight with Animal about their MTT Tire, we mentioned that part two would be…

12 years ago
Federal – FrankfurtFederal – Frankfurt

Federal – Frankfurt

10 minutes of pure MUST SEE footage. There is no doubt that Federal Bikes know a thing or two about…

12 years ago

Sneak Peek: Animal – Prototype Pedals

DIG dropped a few photos of some prototype pedals that Jared Washington is running from Animal. These plastic pedals are…

13 years ago

Hangover: 8/13 – 8/19

Since I'm sure this weekend kicked your ass pretty good either from riding or partying. Why don't you kick back…

13 years ago

Jared Washington Bike Check

Head over to the Ride BMX website for a fresh bike check with Jared Washington. Jared also talks a little…

13 years ago

Shitty Angles – Jared Washington

Here's a classic from 2001 that never surfaced until 2012. This is Jared Washington's unreleased section from the Shitty Angles…

13 years ago