Ji Hoon Lee

Sunday X Shredd – From SeoulSunday X Shredd – From Seoul

Sunday X Shredd – From Seoul

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIAVH_0VSLc Sunday Bikes coming through with a fresh one featuring their connects over in South Korea through Shredd Bikes, Lee…

3 years ago
Falafel Sandwich with GarmonboziaFalafel Sandwich with Garmonbozia

Falafel Sandwich with Garmonbozia

We can't explain the title, but we can tell you there's some awesome riding in this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXCwSwbiFbA When we saw…

7 years ago
Scene 8 & Team SAFScene 8 & Team SAF

Scene 8 & Team SAF

Some of the Team SAF and Scene 8 crew over on the East Coast spent some time stacking clips out…

8 years ago