Johan Vidarte

Johan Vidarte – 2013 Edit

Simple Bike Co.'s connect in France, Johan Vidarte, sent through this new edit he put together of him putting in…

12 years ago

Tanguy Labertrande Edit

Johan Vidarte picked himself up one of the new Canon 6D cameras. He wanted to give it a test to…

12 years ago

10 Clips with Johan Vidarte

Simple Bike Co.'s Johan Vidarte spent two hours getting some riding time in at his local park. Here's 10 real…

12 years ago

Johan Vidarte Video Bike Check

Here's a look at Simple's Johan Vidarte's fresh video bike check. Take a look at his dialed ride and some…

13 years ago

Simple – Johan Vidarte Welcome Edit

Johan Vidarte is now doing it for Simple Bike Co. in France through Toads Distribution. Check out this rad welcome…

13 years ago

Johan Vidarte Edit

Really digging this edit of Johan Vidarte. Good riding, good song, good filming and editing.... Just check it! "Filmed and…

13 years ago