Kurt Perkins

Fit Caught Up With Kurt Perkins

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx5gWLLkUXI It's always a good day when some fresh Kurt Perkins footage surfaces online! Fit Bike Co. dropped a new…

4 years ago

Verde – Kurt Perkins “Jaunt”

It has been a minute since we've seen some fresh Kurt Perkins footage, but he's been out there shredding cement…

5 years ago

5050 BMX – Jonesy and Kurt Go Down Under!

When the winter gets to be too much, sometimes you gotta hop a plane and head south! Here's a video…

8 years ago

“Dollar Bet” – Tanner Trails Section

The sections from the "Dollar Bet" DVD keep on popping up! Here's the trails section from the video that features…

8 years ago

Dead Seas Two

Here's a little trails action for you to kick off your week properly. This starts out with 3 minutes of…

9 years ago

DIG Trails – Deadseas – SLC Tanner Trails

DIG dropped some trails gold on you from the Tanner Trails in Salt Lake City for your viewing pleasure! This…

9 years ago

5050 BMX – SoCal Trip 2016

It's that time of the year when everyone stuck in the cold and snow starts itching to ride anywhere warm.…

9 years ago

Deluxe – Kurt Perkins 2015 Edit

Just spotted this gem over on Can You Dig It! Check out Kurt Perkins turning up the style on some…

10 years ago

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