This past week was a crazy one for BMX videos. Going through the Daily Section, I honestly couldn’t believe how many super good videos came up the past week. It was to the point where I had to narrow the list of videos down because it was getting a little crazy. This week we have 25 videos for you to go through and check out featuring the likes of Erik Elstan, Seth Peterson, Alex Raban, Luc LeGrant, Simone Barraco, Matthias Dandois, Stefan Lantschner, Anthony Perrin, Luc LeGrand, Ronnie Napolitan, Javi Castilla, Jackson Ratima, Carlo Hoffmann, Jeff Klugiewicz, Gabe Brooks, JC Pieri, Jeremy Ball, Matthias Dandois, Rob Wise, Jeremiah Smith, Nick Seabasty, Ryan Howard and many, many more! Let’s get into this already!