Marty Shields

Cabin Fever 2021Cabin Fever 2021

Cabin Fever 2021 Here's a rad mix edit that Marty Shields put together featuring a few of Ohio's finest catching sessions at…

4 years ago
Cabin Fever At ChengaCabin Fever At Chenga

Cabin Fever At Chenga

Here's a fresh video we had sent through by Marty Shields from a bunch of clips that were stacked so…

8 years ago
Marty Shields Spring 2016 VideoMarty Shields Spring 2016 Video

Marty Shields Spring 2016 Video

Marty Shields coming through with a fresh new video from the work he has been putting in on the streets…

9 years ago

Weedian – Marty Shields & Mikey Babbel Split 2014

Marty Shield and Mikey Babbel have teamed up for one badass edit where they both put down some real good…

10 years ago

Marty Shields PA Visit Edit

George Jenkins hit me up with his new edit that he put together when his friend Marty Shields came out…

12 years ago