Check out this promo for the Wheel House BMX non-profit!
This is rad. There’s a new non-profit that launched called Wheel House BMX that’s mission is to help build bikes and donate them to less fortunate riders or people who want to get into BMX but don’t have the means. Here’s a little promo video featuring the crew behind the project going to work at The Edge skatepark. Check it out!
“Welcome to Wheel House. A bmx based non-profit organization out of New England who’s sole mission is to build bikes for those who can’t.
We collect old and new parts to build complete bmx bicycles in the hopes of giving individuals the opportunity to experience our culture.
Featured in this video is our crew showing what is possible in the pursuits of riding a bmx bike.
To contact or donate please hit us up at [email protected] or @wheelhousebmx
Paul Gingras
John Capps
Mike Pomerleau
Shajn Raines
Jon Lacaillade
Dennis White
Jimmy David
Paul Gingras
Shajn Raines
Special Thanks: Amanda O’Neil John Capps Brian C Jacob Jensen The Edge indoor Skatepark”