I has been a minute since we have seen a fresh edit from the Our Wax crew. They were busy all summer traveling and stacking clips where a bunch of them found a home in this new promo! Check out some dialed riding from Grant Castelluzzo, Mike Hinkens, Dan Kruk, Aaron Ross and more! Definitely one to check out!
The Bakery X Our Wax Contest
“In the last few days of the original Bakery, OurWax laid down some final coats of wax on the now legendary rails and ledges. This 50 second ode to grinding shows you what OurWax is all about. Although this is one of the last things filmed at the original Bakery building, we are excited to start waxing up the NEW Bakery, which is now close to being unveiled. Enjoy the edit and then read the rules to find out how you can win a prize package from OurWax and The Bakery!
Win a prize package from OurWax and The Bakery
1. Watch the edit
2. Email [email protected]m with this information:
– Name of each trick (opposite or regular)
– Name of the rider doing it and in order
3. HINT – 4 of these 5 riders are in the edit:
Grant Castelluzzo, Mike Hinkens, Dan Kruk, August Zeratsky, and Brian Kachinsky
4. The first 3 people to correctly identify everyone and every trick will win
a prize package from OurWax and The Bakery.
Our Wax Promo #2
Here’s the second promo edit from the Our Wax crew with plenty of grinding (as you would imagine) to show you just how to properly use their stuff. Check it!
“The dudes out in the streets putting the wax to good use.
Riders: Mike Hinkens, Jason Govan, August Zeratsky, Grant Castelluzzo, Jeff Dowhen, and Dylan McCauley
Our Wax is designed by riders and for riders to used on any and all surfaces for better grinding.
Our Wax has DIFFERENT SHAPES for rails or ledges.
Our Wax has FINGER HOLDS for grip.
Our Wax is SOFT on the flat side for concrete or unwaxed surfaces.
Our Wax is HARD on the arched side for rails or metal surfaces.
Our Wax is HANDMADE by riders and to be used by riders.
Check us out and purchase on the web: ourwax.com
Follow us on twitter @ourwax“
On The Horizon: Our Wax
A couple months back, I had been seeing some tweets from Grant Castelluzzo and Mike Hinkens about some new wax they were cooking up for their selves to ride with. They were talking about testing and all these different things. For some reason the past year or so, a lot of different brands have been putting out their own wax but none seem to be as unique as what these guys were doing. It didn’t quite click until closer to them dropping the news that they were actually starting up their own company. Last week they launched the brand they are calling Our Wax with their new website and a promotional web video giving you a look at the product and some riding. We figured it would be cool to get ahold of them and find out what exactly they are doing. Let’s find out exactly what Our Wax is all about…
Our Wax Promo
Here’s the fresh Our Wax promo for the company that Mike Hinkens and Grant Castelluzzo started. We’ve got a full interview dropping tomorrow morning with these guys about the wax so check back! Until then, hit play and enjoy!
“Our Wax is designed by riders and for riders to used on any and all surfaces for better grinding.
Our Wax has DIFFERENT SHAPES for rails or ledges.
Our Wax has FINGER HOLDS for grip.
Our Wax is SOFT on the flat side for concrete or unwaxed surfaces.
Our Wax is HARD on the arched side for rails or metal surfaces.
Our Wax is HANDMADE by riders and to be used by riders.
Check us out and purchase on the web: ourwax.com
Follow us on twitter @ourwax”