Roman Tencza

Goods BMX – BFC & Roman Tencza “Shed Boner” SectionGoods BMX – BFC & Roman Tencza “Shed Boner” Section

Goods BMX – BFC & Roman Tencza “Shed Boner” Section

Snakebite BMX keeping the sections from the Goods BMX "Shred Boner" DVD rolling. Here is Ben Kauffman and Roman Tencza's…

9 years ago

The Trifecta – Roman Tencza

It's been entirely too long since we've seen Roman Tencza's name pop up! The Community Project caught up with him…

10 years ago

Concrete Life with Ryan Barrett and Roman Tencza

I think we can all agree there isn't enough Ryan Barrett footage going around these days. Check out Ryan and…

12 years ago

Goods – BFC & Roman Tencza “Shred Boner”

Here's another dialed section from the Goods "Shred Boner" DVD for you to enjoy! "Ben 'BFC' Kaufman & Roman Tencza…

12 years ago

Freestyle5 Episode 3

 Roman Tencza and Mark Rainha are back for Freestyle5 Episode 3. This time around they are keepin you updated about…

14 years ago