Head over to the Volume site to check out Stevie’s Mystery Machine build. Dialeeeeed.
Shark Attack – CTDR
After about a minute and a half of non sense, there’s some fire to be found. Stevie Churchill continues his dominance in mind blowing.
Thursdays with Miles – LBC Ghetto Park
“A selection of BMX vagabonds, including Sputnic’s Tony Neyer and Volume’s Matty Long and Steve Churchill (in addition to local Gabe Brooks) spend a good deal of time in the Long Beach, Calif. area, and this is how most days begin — at a local park known by all as the “Ghetto Park.” Highlights include everything Churchill does, especially the final trick, a truck to switch smith. Video by Miles Rogoish.” – ESPN
Stevie Churchill Bike Check
Head over to Dan’s 360 to check out what Stevie Churchill is running these days. That Mystery Machine is awfully shiny.
Print Ad: Volume Pat Casey & Stevie Churchill
Vital – Game of B-i-K-E – Final Churchill Vs. Kerley
2011 Vital BMX Game of BIKE: Stevie Churchill vs Chad Kerley, Big Finals – More BMX Videos
It’s crazy to think the two youngest pros that were invited to the Vital game of B-I-K-E were the two going head to head in the finals, but it’s true. Here’s what went down in Stevie Churchill and Chad Kerley’s final match. After that, you can check out every single match that went down that day right here.
Connecticut Update
Connecticut Update – More BMX Videos
“Despite the horrible weather lately, there is still a lot of riding going on in CT. Some great stuff from Will Talamelli, Tom Burke, Colton Civitello, Keon Sammy, Fakie Master, and Lil Stevie Churchill. The instrumental is “One At a Time” by Equilibrum, who is also a CT to CA transplant. Credit: Shane McLellan”
Stevie Churchill Warm Up Session
Volume‘s newest pro, Stevie Churchill, gets a warm up session on infront of Matt Lee’s iPhone. Why the hell does he make 3 whips look so easy? It’s not even fair…