
Tempered Giveaway From Sparky’s

Want to win some free Tempered goodies? Well, all you have to do is "LIKE" the Sparky's Distribution Facebook page.…

14 years ago

Tempered – Warren Bowers

Check out this new edit of Warren Bowers doing it for Tempered. This dude is on it. Film + Edit:…

14 years ago

Product: Tempered Originals T-Shirts

Tempered are going to be doing some original shirts by their team and friends to help support the riders. These…

14 years ago

Product: Tempered 1929 Bars

The Tempered 1929 bars have been available for a bit now, but they just got a fresh shipment in that…

14 years ago

Tempered – Cali to Vegas Photobook

Open publication - Free publishing - More bikes Yesterday, I posted up Tempered's Cali to Vegas edit. Now today, they…

14 years ago

Tempered – Cali to Vegas

Last September, Tempered's Brian Histand, Jeff Cadger, Jerry Vandervalk and Mat Lawton took a trip from California to Las Vegas…

14 years ago

Jerry Vandervalk Interview

Photo: Pete Jaques Jerry has been one of those recognizable names coming from Australia the past few years. Recently, I…

14 years ago

Tempered – T Bar Ledge Heat

Here's a few clips from the Tempered crew on a perfect day Toowoomba.

14 years ago

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