Tim Knoll

Tim Knoll – Bike Parkour 3.0Tim Knoll – Bike Parkour 3.0

Tim Knoll – Bike Parkour 3.0

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hw3YcTZ5XHQ It has been a few years since Tim Knoll has released a new Bike Parkour video, but this new…

4 years ago
Tim Knoll – Bike Parkour 2.0Tim Knoll – Bike Parkour 2.0

Tim Knoll – Bike Parkour 2.0

It has been a little while since we've seen a BMX video out of Tim Knoll, but it looks like's…

8 years ago
Tim Knoll X TEDx Pura VidaTim Knoll X TEDx Pura Vida

Tim Knoll X TEDx Pura Vida

Tim Knoll pops up in the craziest places. Here's a video he sent through giving us a look at the…

9 years ago
Experimental BMX Freestyle Bike Tricks – Tim Knoll & Pat FisherExperimental BMX Freestyle Bike Tricks – Tim Knoll & Pat Fisher

Experimental BMX Freestyle Bike Tricks – Tim Knoll & Pat Fisher

What!? This is amazing. Tim Knoll and Pat Fisher teamed up for a crazy new BMX video where they cooked…

9 years ago
Red Bull – Tim Knoll in BerlinRed Bull – Tim Knoll in Berlin

Red Bull – Tim Knoll in Berlin

It has been a while since we've seen a BMX video out of Tim Knoll. Today, Red Bull hit us…

9 years ago
GoPro – Freestyle BMX with Tim KnollGoPro – Freestyle BMX with Tim Knoll

GoPro – Freestyle BMX with Tim Knoll

GoPro dropped this new video featuring Tim Knoll getting loose on the streets of Milwaukee as he makes his way…

10 years ago
People Are Awesome – Cycling EditionPeople Are Awesome – Cycling Edition

People Are Awesome – Cycling Edition

The guys who run the official "People Are Awesome" Youtube channel just hit us up with a link to their…

10 years ago

Tim Knoll Sets the World Record for Longest BMX Limbo

Haha, Tim Knoll getting himself in the record books by setting the world record for the longest bike limbo over…

10 years ago