It’s not even fair how many talented riders have been taken from BMX the past few year. Ryan Taylor (Not that Ryan Taylor or Randy Taylor) was one of those riders we lost. This is some of the last footage Chris Ashworth had from a project they were working on. Take a look at this video he decided to release in memory of Ryan. Rest in Peace, Ryan.

This summer Paul and Ryan stepped up to produce a split edit, visiting new spots and pushing each other to produce clips.
Many trips where had whether solo or joint or even midweek street rides after work, All in the name of a good time and riding as much as we could.
Unfortunately Ryan Taylor passed away as the edit was being finalised. This is a huge loss to us all and he will be sorely missed.
The edit really sums up Paul and Ryan pushing each other’s riding and the memories of this along the way are some of the best.
Filmed and Edited By Chris Ashworth

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